Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Steeler's Big Ass

I know this is the most talked about NFL issue to date and we'll all be saturated with coverage for weeks all thanks to 24 hour news coverage and Mr. Safety. The Steeler's Big Ben looks like a Big Ass. How's that 9 inch laceration on the back of your head feel now Mr. Safety? I'm not too hyped up about the no helmet issue. It may be perfectly legal to ride without a helmet but it's not very smart. My issue is the attitude Roethlisberger has regarding riding motorcycles. You're not invincible and the "it won't happen to me because I'm safe" never works out. It's only a matter of time before it comes around and you find yourself in the hospital undergoing seven hours of surgery. Just ask anyone who's ended up in a car accident. Go say that ignorant statement to the folks in wheelchairs who travel across the country to speak at public schools about the dangers of drinking and driving and general auto safety. Probably every single one of those speakers had the same attitude as you. Talk to the families who lost a child in an auto accident. I'm sure they never thought it could happen to their children.

You are a young stud, make millions of dollars, a professional athlete and most importantly whether you like it or not, a role model. All sorts of people look up to you, young and old, and the cavalier attitude you have regarding riding sends a bad message. Hopefully those who look at you as a role model see the error in your ways and decide to at the very least take every precaution they can to keep safe. Maybe even you will now change your attitude a bit and realize it can happen to you because it just did.


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